Green Business


At Orca Spirit Adventures, we believe in building a better future for our oceans.

We have so much appreciation for our beautiful surrounding sea and all of its inhabitants and we want to be able to enjoy the splendor that our west coast has to offer for generations to come. We are doing what we can by not only becoming a Climate Friendly Company and providing Carbon Neutral whale watching and harbour tours throughout the Salish Sea, but we have now become a Green Member of the Vancouver Island Green Business Association and received Gold Certification from Sustainable Tourism 2030.

2023/2024 BC Green Business Certification – Green Level

The Vancouver Island Green Business Certification was built to recognize the efforts of local businesses that are reducing their environmental impact. For businesses, it is a guide to greening your operations and educating your staff. For consumers, it is a symbol that lets you know which businesses have green practices. Orca Spirit Adventures has achieved the highest level, “Green”, of achievement with the Vancouver Island Green Business Certification. The program was developed to help provide a set of tangible actions that businesses can take to tread a little lighter on the environment.

2023/2024 Surfrider Certification

Surfrider Vancouver Island has partnered with the Vancouver Island Green Businesses Certifiation (VIGBC) program to launch a new campaign that links businesses to responsible actions that will help keep our local beaches and waterways clean. The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network. Surfrider Approved Businesses are granted a certification for taking leadership in reducing their overall plastic footprint. The entire VIGBC certification including a Surfrider Approved decal and 10% of proceeds will go to the local Rise Above Plastics program, which reduces the impact of plastics in the marine environment.

GreenStep Sustainable Tourism – Gold Level

Orca Spirit Adventures has received Gold Certification from Sustainable Tourism 2030 which is the world’s largest and most credible sustainable tourism certification program. To receive a Gold standing, we had to meet a specific standard after an official assessment of criteria in 11 different categories ranging from resource consumption, sustainable purchasing and transportation to management, nature and cultural involvement.

Sustainable Tourism  is a leading sustainability certification program that provides mentorship and guidance to tourism businesses around the world. All of Orca Spirit’s tours include a marine biology component to educate their guests about the surrounding environment and wildlife.

Carbon Neutral Tours

Orca Spirit Adventures in partnership with Offsetters is proud to provide carbon neutral tour whale watching tours and harbour cruises. Through our commitment to carbon neutrality, we support The Great Bear Forest Carbon Initiative, which is focusing on protecting an area that is so crucial to the purity of our inland waterways that filter into our coastal marine environment. The Great Bear Forest Carbon Initiative is an Improved Forest Management initiative, which generates emission reductions by protecting forest areas that were previously designated, sanctioned or approved for commercial logging.


From climate action and sustainability awards to Business of the Year, we’re proud to show off our gold star standings.


Our Commitment to Responsible EcoTourism

We protect and preserve our spectacular natural surrounding by actively practicing the principles of eco-tourism and sustainability.

Supporting Research & Conservation

It’s our duty to take a leadership role in supporting the research and conservation of transient and resident whale communities.

Saving our Salmon With The Pacific Salmon Foundation

100% of each each guest’s $2 conservation fee goes to the Pacific Salmon Foundation for restoration of salmon in the Salish Sea.